Mom’s thong


Well-known member
64 years old and yet has the underwear drawer of a high school girl. Good for her, I love it! Any idea what got her into thongs? Are you surprised that she chooses to wear underwear that perpetually ride up her ass all day?


New member
During my 20s I roamed a few free dating sites here in Sweden and got in touch with many older women, some were thong users already but some I convinced to start using them lol. A few I remained in contact with got boyfriends and I told them to entice them with whaletails etc. I think I have images left.


Active member
During my 20s I roamed a few free dating sites here in Sweden and got in touch with many older women, some were thong users already but some I convinced to start using them lol. A few I remained in contact with got boyfriends and I told them to entice them with whaletails etc. I think I have images left.
Crossing my fingers you have those treasures