My chubby german Girlfriend


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Sehr schönes Update!
Kleiner Tipp, wenn Sie bei Imagebam eine Gallery erstellen und alle bilder dort hochladen, dann gibt es nur einen Link und es ist nicht alles verloren falls die Seite mal kaputt ist oder so, das kann viel ärger ersparen :)


Active member
Hey Guys what's up? Time for a new Update. Some of the pictures I post here are a bit older so I can show you a lot. The pictures were from a long time ago after a night of sex with her

What her pussy looks like

And a new dirty G-string from laundry Basket. I call my Gf Miss Skidmark.
She may be a clean woman, but she always has skids in her thongs 5 days out of 7

Feel free to ask me questions 😊


Well-known member
Her pussy is perfect. Looks so good I want to eat it! Also I’m going to really like her dirty panties!