Sportswomen Thongs


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I really can't imagine myself it's comfortable to wear those thongs for those women, when they are practising their sports.

But i freakin love it!
Hope you can find more female soccer players in a thong!


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Ellen Hoog and Eva de Goede,
Dutch hockeyplayers of the national team,
its not in a game but still hot tough

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Thanks everyone for the compliments - happy to make a positive contribution to the site.

And I agree thonglover - surprised by how many professional sportswoman wear thongs. I guess they want to be comfortable, so if thongs are their normal underwear, they'd go with that.

Sorry I wasn't able to do an upload today - was a crazy busy day and didn't get time. It's now fairly late here down under, so off to bed now, but will upload a few more slips in the morning. I can reveal there's still plenty of quality shots to come, so stay tuned!!

Sports still to come include:
- rugby
- skiing
- football (soccer)
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Well-known member
It's time for one of my favourite sporting thong exposures - rugby thong slips! Coming from NZ, rugby is a religion, and it's phenomenal to think that some of the ladies in the world would wear a sexy thong whilst playing this physical sport. I mean, for most sports, athletes can safely wear a thong knowing that there's little chance of it popping out. However in rugby, with all the tackling and pulling of jerseys and shorts, wearing a thong is just downright risky! You might even end up flashing it like these people did!

The first two slips are from an international match between the USA and Kazakhstan:
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Well-known member
P.S. Sorry I'm not posting the pictures correctly - would be very grateful if one of the moderators could edit my posts so that the thumbnails appear and link to an image hosting site.

Here's another rugby thong from a Western Kentucky University rugby match:

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I would love if anyone could find thong pictures of this girl,

Anouk Hoogendijk, Dutch player of Ajax and the national team!

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